The Hammock Life Workshop
ส. 25 ก.ค.
|Ragged Mountain Reservoir
A day of inspiration and guidance to help youth attract and lead the life they desire. A healthy and positive balance between the Universe and the world, Truth and illusions...which we call The Hammock Life! Ages 10-24. All genders. See Full Details Inside Registration

25 ก.ค. 2563 09:00 – 13:00 GMT-4
Ragged Mountain Reservoir, 1730 Reservoir Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22903
NOTE: Because of Covid-19, participants are required to be dropped off and picked-up. The Love No Ego Foundation will not be providing any transportation as we usually do. Participants must have a face mask or they will not be allowed to participate. Hammocks will be set up 6-10 feet apart. The LoveNoEgo Team will ensure saftey over all other measures. Please read full details below. Thank you!
The Day's Activities and Timeline!
Each participant receives and gets to keep the following:
A LoveNoEgo T-shirt
A brand new hammock
A LoveNoEgo Goal Card
A Journaling Notebook
What will the day look like?
8:45 AM - Drop-off (and pick-up) is at 1730 Reservoir Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22903. Look for LoveNoEgo Van and Tent Set-up. Check in. Traveling Tips: Keep right and follow the road until you reach the parking lot. You will not be able to go any further.
9:00 AM - Hammock Life Workshop Starts. Morning Welcome & Presentation/Set Intention for the Day. Healthy Snack Served.
9:30 AM - 1:00 PM Activities
- Set-up our Hammocks.
- Grounding Exercise - (Self Grounding Exercise will be done during morning welcome and presentation). The two trees used to set up their hammocks will represent two foundations/support systems in the participants' life (Mom, Dad, Teacher, Friend, Coach, etc.) Participants will be lead through this exercise of identifying the foundations and support systems in their lives. Guidance and completion of LNE Goal Card at this time.
- Movement and Trail Walking with Nature Journaling
- LoveNoEgo Priniciples Activity - Group discussion of the LoveNoEgo Principles Love over Ego, Love over Fear, and Communication over Conflict. Reenactment of scenarios and situational moments of identifying the ego and how to respond positively.
- Lunch in our Hammocks
What should I bring?
Wear good shoes! Good fitting tennis shoes or hiking shoes are preferred. No sandals or flip flops!
Watch the weather and dress appropriately! Rain-check date is Saturday August 1st, 2020.
Stay hydrated! Staying hydrated is really important Bringing a backpack is preferred. Participants will need the backpack to put their hammock and other LoveNoEgo gifts inside to take home with them.
What will Love No Ego Provide?
- Food and Drink: We will provide lunch and snacks for all hikers. Please be sure to communicate any special dietary restrictions in advance.
- Safe Fun: Freddy and his Love No Ego Volunteers will create a safe, fun, positive, and encouraging environment for pariticpants of all kinds. Our goal is to have a super fun time while learning about the Love No Ego principles and how we use them to live our best life.
- We aim to combat peer pressures, negative influences, and or fear that our youth may or might have to face in society. We aim to build young confident, productive, and happy human beings.
Sponsor a youth by making a donation to cover the cost of this workshop. $50 covers one youth participant.
All Parents/Gurardians must agree to the Activity Waiver at checkout.
You can read/print waiver here: Activity Waiver
(Covers participants' hammock, t-shirt, snacks/lunch, and supplies)
For any additional questions, feel free to email us at info@lovenoego.org or give us a call at (434) 262-0442.
The Hammock Life Workshop