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Love No Ego Foundation, Inc.,  P.O. Box 7134 Charlottesville, VA. 22906. TAX ID: 83-0809136
Also below the form, you can view "how we used your donations"

Donation Form
(TAX ID: 83-0809136)

Thank you!

To make Recurring Donations, click donate button below.
And check "make this a monthly donation". Thank You!

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The support of people like you empower our work day in and day out. By making a donation, you allow us to continue to make real change possible. If donating to a specific program area, please specify.

Just a quick heads up on what and how your donation helps.

A reminder of our program services:  Professional Motivational Speaking - Mentoring - Workshop Events  - Athletic Training 

  • Any dollar amount can go towards our "operating costs"

  • $60 helps to provide 1 Love...No Ego Mentoring Session (1.5 hour minimum in length)

  • $500 helps to provide 1 Motivational Speaking Presentation to groups of students (30min - 1hour presentation)

  • $700 helps to provide 1 Workshop Event (typically a 2-4-hour workshop)


Workshops and everything we do are always geared to empower the youth, provide positive personal development, and help them to tap into their true self while using the tools of life to help them be their best. Workshop Examples: "Too Much Media, Not Enough Social" a workshop event on social media etiquette and how to use it as the tool it is. Or  our "Youth Speed Mentoring Events" a workshop event where youth have access to Love...No Ego Mentors, spending valuable time with each Mentor gaining advice, asking questions, engaging in tough conversations.

How We Used Donatins

Other Ways to Give

Donate to LoveNoEgo via RoundUp!

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1) Select the Love No Ego Foundation, Inc.

2) Link Your Banks and Cards:

Securely link your bank account, debit, and or credit cards through the app. This allows the app to donate the change from your transactions.

3) Make An Impact:

RoundUp App will tally the total change of your transactions at the end of the month and send a deposit directly to The Love No Ego Foundation. Make an impact with little effort.

Round Up
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