Upholding the mission, principles, and vision of Love...NoEgo, The LNE Volunteer Advocate Team is a volunteer community outreach team that advocates for Love and Communication. Our advocation purpose includes supporting the Love...NoEgo Brand of ensuring positive and healthy development for our kids and young adult clients. We encourage volunteerism and internship of all kinds as we aim to utilize your strengths and areas of passion to help strengthen our team and better this world.
There are many ways to get involved. Overall, we want to teach and show the youth how to live from their natural love space rather than the egotistical space while pushing our mission forward. And we do that through four main services:
Motivational Speaking, Mentoring, and Workshops..
Feel free to check out these links if you haven't already.
Level 1 Opportunities:
Assist and or Table at Community and Organizational Events and Workshops: (See Events and Workshops).
Volunteer Community Clean-up: of The Love No Ego Foundation Roadway , Future Park Site. and adopted trail at Ragged Mtn Natural Area.
Brand Advocate and Community Influencer: connect with other organizations, individuals, or groups with similar missions in sharing and advocating for the mission of Love...No Ego. Gaining overall support.
Social Media Specialist: perform administrative and social media acts.
Level 2 Opportunities:
Become a Love...No Ego Mentor: positively lead youth participants and mentees with weekly and ongoing sessions.
Sponsor a Youth Mentee: financially support and pay for a mentee's sessions, build a relationship, and be resourceful.
Sponsor a Love...No Ego Talk/Presentation/Workshop: connect you and or your business to a trusted and impactful brand and mission.
Join our Board of Directors or Advisory Team
Volunteer Coordinator: Recruit volunteers and arrange logistics for volunteerism.
Consider our LNE Speakers Team, and Becoming a LNE Speaker
Interested in joining the team? Want to advocate for Love and Communication? Good! Because we love you and want to hear your story! Let's use our story to inspire the world!
Connect with Us!
Complete the Volunteer Application below!
Background Check Required.
We ask that volunteers commit to one year of purposeful acts with us.
Thank You!